Rolfmao !
"Da Possibilties of two females....and one cupe !"
Rolfmao !
"Da Possibilties of two females....and one cupe !"
A very Original Madness movie.
The animation and the style kick asses , but the story is not very interesting....
Click a Five , Click a Five !
Me too, I click a five !
Jonbro is a Thief o/
jonesborororor is a theifo
It's ust great , right and magic.
I cried...I'ts a great flash.
Thanks. I can still feel the magic this movie has brought to my life too :-)
Yeah ! Better than da First !
Yeah ! Better than da First !
Mmm...Potencially cool
Liked it, the story sucks , but you are a great animator !
lol i know it doesnt have a story but thx man^^
Great , There is Egoraptor in !
First i believed the part 2 had not the same concept of the first vid , but in fact , all the vid is great ! Love it :)
The Grey Sky make the anim' sad...But the rest keep cool.
Tell me about my first movie. http://www.newground 3547
Age 34, Male
Joined on 8/20/08